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  • iDG10 Engineering Solutions

Offshore structure - Case study 2

Offshore Jacket Fatigue Assessment

Need for this analysis

Offshore fixed jacket structures are vulnerable to fatigue damage from hazardous offshore environment.In this case study, an offshore jacket structure was checked for the ULS 100- year return period of wave and checked for FLS using a long-term stress distribution.

Our analysis method

ANSYS is used to identify hot spots and loads for in-place fatigue assessment of jacket subjected to hydrodynamic loads and the design is accomplished following API RP 2A - Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms-Working Stress Design. In addition to static simulation, transient dynamic simulations considering hydrodynamic loads (waves and current) are also carried out to assess the Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF).


The SPDT offshore structure assessment module allows engineers to configure the FEA model by importing relevant model files configured in structural analysis software (SACS) and perform static/transient simulation taking into account hydrodynamic loads.

The sample result showing structure response (Uy - Displacement) is presented in figure below.


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